I will be volunteering at SVFF again this year in the juried fleece sales. Please stop by and say hi! I will be helping people shop for that perfect fleece.
The online fleece sale will be held Friday, September 28, 2018 starting at 6 PM EST and ending Saturday morning, September 29 at 8 AM EST. This is a great opportunity to buy juried fleece if you can’t make it to the festival. https://www.etsy.com/shop/SVFFFleeceSale
The 13th Annual Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival
September 29-30, 2018
10-5 Saturday 10-4 Sunday
Clarke County Ruritan Fair Grounds
890 West Main Street
Berryville, Virginia 22611
$5 Adults
Children under 12 Free
Classes with Nationally recognized instructors
9 AM - Noon and 1-4 PM Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Special! Friday online Juried Fleece sale!
Here are some stunners from last year's online sale:
Navajo Churro
Longwool X