Promotional Photos: Spinzilla 2015

I'm really excited because my photo from last year's Spinzilla competition is being featured on the event page and social media promos for Spinzilla 2015. I will be spinning again for Team Madwool and hopefully reach the mile mark this year.

spinzilla 2015 eventpromo Elysa Darling.png

"Elysa Darling's yarn (and photo) made during Spinzilla 2014 spinning for Team MadWool. Elysa ended up with just under a mile of yarn for the week. It was her first year and she will be back with the goal of getting into the Monster Mile Club. Join her! Team Registration opens September 1st. "

Spinzilla is a monster of a spinning week held by TNNA (The National Needlearts Association). Teams and individuals from all over compete in a friendly virtual competition to see who can spin the most yarn. For more information, visit To register go to Spinzilla registration.

September 01, 2015